Sunday 16 January 2011

New Year beginning the career...?

Two weeks into the new year and my photography side of life is feeling motivated. It takes a new year to make a fresh start to me. Applying to University, really getting my life started and becoming in adult in just under three months.

After a bit of the waiting game, I have finally heard from my top choice (University of West London) which are giving inviting me to an interview on the 26th January, only 11 days away. All is fine and dandy with a spark of excitement accept UCAS the application station, has not yet processed the invite and therefore is disabling me to reply to this amazing University. The deadline is today which makes it even worse, but what can I do? I have already emailed the university to say I will accept and UCAS is being delayed. I will just have sit and wait....

However, sitting and waiting around is just asking for stress to flood over you. With the rare amount of spaces of free time I have, I managed to really get to know my camera. I have had it for a a year and few months and to be honest, only really knew the basics. It was intimidating and I was busy...sound like an excuse? Feel a bit bad, but due to my pre-interview I had back in November, the course leader was impressed with the portfolio I had created so far. I knew now that I had to up my game and I mean UP IT! I needed to get the hang of f/stops and what aperture really meant. ...

Want to visit my Flickr photostream with the featured photos in my blog and more then click the following link

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