Sunday 5 September 2010

Bunkfest [Day 3 of 3]

Finally the third day...

I sound like I didn't enjoy it, but the thing was I really did. It has been a long day and after taking photos and editing as many as I can before I goon holiday tomorrow is stressing me out a little. I am feeling negative.

Before I go on about the festival today I will show you how I felt this morning and my opinions about yesterdays photos.

"I'm going over and editing the photos. It is always a long process especially if you
have shot them in RAW. One thing I'm finding annoying is the same mistakes I have been making in
some other the pictures, now i can really see them. there may be a blurred hand or I hadn't
checked thed depth of field or when I have been focusing on taking a picture of one person, I've
cut half the guitar of another person. I'm feeling dissapointed with myself. I felt so happy
and proud yesterday I'm missed out some of the major details. I'm worried what the oraganiser
will think but I'm trying to use as many of the good ones as possible. Oh well, this what
pracice and learning is all about.

I just hope I can do better today and remember the details and check my camera. "

Yeah, I didn't feel too confident about how my photos would turn out today and I had some mixed views about my progress. I basically filled in any of the gaps I hadn't done yet, such as visiting live bands in pubs, I hadn't yet been to etc. I kept a close eye on my camera settings and made sure there wasn't any blurry pictures. I felt a did a good job as I was aware of those things. I even visited more of the interesting workshops that were set on my list and met some friendly people, who weren't at all photo-shy.

By all the means the experience was exciting and if I wasn't so tired then I could probably go on and on about my day. I think if you are not used to working it can be very over-welming and hard work on your body. I still think photography is what I want to do right now, the photo-editing though and just get a tad boring at times.

Want to visit my Flickr photostream with the featured photos in my blog and more then click the following link:

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