Sunday 23 October 2011

Pure inspiration, enough to be different...

Inspiration for writing is like grain of sand, slipping through my fingers. It is golden; this inspiration. It has a golden glow is so pure and warm but once I try and take a hold on it, the glow becomes dimmer and grains of sand become smaller. I must hold onto it before it goes...

As you can see my inspiration runs out quickly, no matter how beautiful and important it is to me.. What inspired me this morning was my research into Black and White Photographers that I'm currently procrastinating as I my urge to write this post came to me. I have spoken a lot about Black and White recently and for this research, I have to analyze some of the work from my favourite Monochrome photographers. Mine personal favourite would have to Robert Freeman who Photographed the Beatles around the time of the Rubber Soul LP in 1965. I love his high contrast tonality between the black and white - shades of grey would seldom be conveyed. I have to talk about why I find the Photographs work interesting and how it inspires me. I also have to mention, how it would influence my work. That is the thing. I love Monochrome but I could never re-create Robert Freeman's style. It is his. It is original. I want to be original. I am original.

On my lecture in Digital Photography on the Thursday just been; my lecturer said that "everything has been done before" and he is right. It has. In a way it is discouraging because how can anyone be original when at least someone has tried to do something that is already done. On the other hand, it is an exciting challenge; this being because every person has a unique perception on life-I learned that the other day. We may be similar but even the same object we may look at, everyone will have different way of associating themselves with it. This could be from a still life to a person to a landscape and so on. A Photographers job, as well as capturing light, it is to show to the world how they perceive it. It is hard because these differences can be very similar but I think I can prove a difference in my Photography, it will show what a successful Photography I am.

I must get on with this research now. What a perfect introduction.

Want to visit my Flickr photostream with the featured photos in my blog and more then click the following link:

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