Thursday 29 July 2010

one beginnings

One day for someone can be completely different to another. I have seen two points of view of Weddings but it never occurred to me, until now, that there is in fact a third. I have been thinking about it recently, as this time next year my sister will be getting married. None of my immediate family has been married yet, only some of my cousins so this really exciting for all the family. I have my bridesmaids dress and Sarah has her ivory gown and it made me realize that a couple getting married have their own view point of the day. Of course that is obvious but philosophical moments just are.
They have been engaged for seven months now, since Christmas day and it will be interesting going to a wedding where I can just relax. I remember at my cousin's wedding last year where my Photography dream was concieved and it is defintly a different story to what I know about it now. I'm happy with it though, even though I have to keep reminding myself that it will take time to know all the in's and out's.
I get impatient about progress and I've probably mentioned before about how I am a perfectionist and want to be able to do things without too much learning. I know for a fact that doesn't help at all and practise does really make perfect and that is the boring part. It shouldn't be boring but whenever you see people doing their perfessions, such as a Photographer they make it look so easy, when in fact they have probably learned a lot too. This is probably why I would never want to be a dentist or surgeon who have to work years on courses to earn that status. It is not just this hobby that I feel impatience about progress, it is almost everything I try. I'm learning how to cook at the moment and bought a student cook book the other week. It has definitely been useful and my Mum has been guiding me through. Every week I pick out a few recipes, write them down and buy the ingredients. I then come to recognise the techniques and the order of sequences and it seems easier. I think there is more to learn with the Photography and I have been disappointed that I haven't been able to use my camera at Wedding Shoots with Stuart. I need to use the learnings skills from the cooking and transfer it to the Photography.

Is life ever fair?

[Photos from the Engagement Photo shoot]

Hmm I think I know what my problem is. I look at these photos I have taken and feel proud but that is because I have been on my own control and used my own ideas. I hate being told what to do but I the thing is I need to listen to Stuart so I can be better than I already am.

Want to visit my Flickr photostream with the featured photos in my blog and more then click the following link:

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